• First, a poster I designed for a campus ministry. The models are two of my good friends. I'm pretty proud of their awesomeness and also how the poster turned out.

• Melody Gardot continues to be awesome in my book... and in the world's book, apparently. She is getting famous-er by the day, which is great. CBS Sunday Morning ran her story yesterday morning- so inspiring!
• Brunette-dom. I had my hair professionally dyed after I royally screwed up some highlights from a box. I've been a brunette for 2ish weeks now, and I'm really loving it, not sure why. It seems really normal to catch myself in the mirror with dark hair.
• airfare watchdog is also rocking my world (and soaking up way too much of my time...) I'm preparing for a summer backpacking trip thru Europe, and this is the best airfare-update website I've found. You can request emails about low fares into or out of specific airports of your choice. love!
• Don Miller's new project also has me distracted from school-ness. He's interviewing scholars on various topics relating to religion and life. You can request a free trial of the All Things Converge series or also watch first episodes of the interviews. This one's my fave so far.
• I'm designing/creating my own high-end grocery store. It's definitely in the early/rough stage, but I'm thinking of naming it either Num-Nums or Omnom... or Omnonnom. ^_^ I'll keep you posted, of course...
i love that i found your blog. now i can stalk it!